Our proposal for
75 London Wall

A New Global HQ through Retrofit First
75% of consultation respondents supported or strongly supported the provision of a new global HQ at this location through a retrofit-first approach.
Our refurbishment will respond to this demand, delivering upgraded, best-in-class office space with enhanced occupier amenity and energy performance to complement the City’s status as a global business destination. Our design team have explored options to grow the architecture of the existing building to ensure it can meet the highest sustainable corporate objectives and accommodate the space required for a global HQ.
The project architects, Orms have extensively studied the building’s detailing, materiality and history to ensure additional massing acts as a natural extension of the existing structure.

Proposed view from London Wall and Blomfield Street junction looking east

A Revitalised Public Realm

Our consultation revealed that a majority of users and passers-by access the building on foot via London Wall. This has shaped our approach to ensure that improving pedestrian experience is the priority.

We are proposing a new passageway through the building to open up access to the under-utilised Great Winchester Street and provide a refuge from London Wall. Our approach will also create an additional 1,173 sqft of outdoor space around delivering a meaningful new destination the main entrance to include new seating areas, public art and a potential water feature.

We will also introduce greening to the public realm, including along London Wall, to enhance biodiversity and pedestrian experience. Respondents also favoured increased activation and permeability at street level, so we are creating the opportunity to provide new openings to retail offerings in the new passage and along Great Winchester Street.
Proposed entrance on London Wall with improved public realm
Proposed view of enhanced public realm on Great Winchester Street looking north west

Proposed public realm approach on the south west corner of 75 London Wall

Public Realm
The current public realm around the site is defensive with minimal activation.
Great Winchester Street is an under-utilised road, used as a servicing route by the nearby office occupiers. Both London Wall and Old Broad Street are dual carriageways which make very limited provision for pedestrians, prioritizing vehicular throughfare.
We have examined the opportunities and constraints of the existing building (as shown in the image carousel) to understand what a refurbished Winchester House can offer.
There is an opportunity to create a permeable space, which offers an interesting and inviting character to the area. Our initial assessment is to create a new passageway through the west of the building combined with a series of public realm improvements will provide an enhanced and meaningful public experience
  • Integration of cultural forum entrance from enhanced public realm
  • Can connect public realm to the indoor offer for greater cultural gathering space
  • Opportunities to utilise public realm for rotating exhibitions would inform the visitors and office workers on their city
  • Opportunity to include public art
  • Attract Nightime and weekend public activity House an organisation that activations of the public realm could benefit Destination City festivals, events, and creative wayfinding
  • Creates a destination of the under-utilised Great Winchester Street
  • Creates a cultural conduit to Dutch House and conference venues in the area

Public realm aspirations on Great Winchester Street

Current public realm conditions on Great Winchester Street

A New Cultural Forum
91% of consultees suggested the provision of a new cultural offer at ground floor level would enhance their experience of the area.
Our proposals have incorporated this feedback, and will provide a dedicated cultural forum with an entrance from enhanced public realm on Great Winchester Street. The forum will be available for evening-time and weekend public activity and house an organisation that could host events, talks or Destination City festivals. The forum will also create the opportunity to include public art and host public exhibitions utilising the newly created public realm.
  • Creating a destination on the under-utilised Great Winchester Street

  • Utilising the public realm for rotating exhibitions with the possibility of public art

  • Attracting evening time and weekend public activity

  • Connecting the public realm to the indoor offer for a larger cultural gathering space

  • Finding an organisation that can activate the public realm which could contribute to Destination City festivals, events, and creative wayfinding

  • Creating a cultural conduit to the Dutch Church and conference venues in the area

Proposed ground floor plan for improved public realm and new cultural forum at 75 London Wall

Urban greening and biodiversity
Consultees overwhelmingly suggested that additional greening would enhance their experience of the site.
Our proposals will deliver new urban greening at street and building level to enhance biodiversity and pedestrian and occupier experience, alongside new landscaped amenity space to enable occupiers to enjoy outdoor living. Proposed greening includes biodiverse green roofs, wildflower and vertical planting throughout the building. We are also proposing additional greening at street level, with new tree and wildflower planting to enhance pedestrian and visitor experience of the area.
Proposed greening to new terraces
Proposed greening to new terraces
Virtual Exhibitions Boards

We want to hear from you

Have Your say
Let us know your feedback on Winchester House and our vision for its future. Complete our 2-minute survey here.
Public Exhibition 1
Wednesday 27th September
The Dutch Church, 7 Austin Friars, EC2N 2HA
Public Exhibition 2
Monday 2nd October
11:30am – 3:30pm
The Dutch Church, 7 Austin Friars, EC2N 2HA

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our public consultation. The information gathered from both stakeholders and the public has been crucial in shaping our final proposals.
Our plans have now been validated by the City of London Corporation and can be viewed in full on the City’s planning portal here (Reference: 23/01270/FULMAJ).
In the meantime, this website will remain live with contact details available should you have any questions or comments you would like to raise.